January 2025 - New Version - Multi-Satellite Viewing with Frequency Display. Unique Country-Pairs Display for PskReporter Data. Live Feed from Logging Programs. Plot any ADIF file.

Introducing the Time Mapper UHD program
Welcome to the 'Time Mapper UHD' - a visually stunning new program that combines mapping and time functions to produce an ever-changing 4K or HD World Clock display that will enhance whatever location it is displayed in.
Ideal for school, office, or amateur radio station, the Time Mapper UHD can be customized to produce an infinite number of display configurations to suit every requirement.
The Great Circle Mapper v10

There are a number of Great Circle Map programs available, but none as attractive and versatile as this one. This Standalone Beam Heading Map Generator with Many New Features can hide all its controls to produce a re-sizeable window that fits onto the Desktop of all Contesters and DXers. Plots Prefixes, NCDXF Beacon, Capital Cities, Countries, Grid Locators. Map Widgets for Multiple Time Zones and DXer Info. See Screenshots or Download.
The Global Overlay Mapper v5

A 'Swiss Army' Mapping Toolkit with Many New Features. Large World Map and Great Circle Maps. Ideal for all Big-Screen Monitors. Unique Gray Line Predictions. Huge Admin and City Databases. Callsign Parsing and Search. Online Geocoding. NCDXF Beacon Monitoring. Map Widgets for Multiple Time Zones and DXer Info. Import ADIF, Cabrillo Logs, plot on 40+ Maps. Multi-Format Export. See Screenshots or Download.
The North American Overlay Mapper

Overlay Maps of North America with built in USA/Canadian Callbooks, List Plotting, and lovely Great Circle Maps.
Unique automatic mapping program - New Version The County-Hunting Mapper

Make County, State, Section, or Grid Locator Maps by hand, from your ADIF or Cabrillo Logs, or via a live feed from N1MM Logger.
Section definitions change on Apr 1st 2020 see the new ARRL/RAC Section Maps here

IARU Regions Map

EICC District Code Map

CQ Zone Maps

ITU Zone Maps

Welcome to the 'VK Callbook Mapper' - an Amateur Radio callbook for Australia that can be updated daily, can be visualised on Overlay and Online maps, and can be spatially queried and compared against other data tables (9 supplied), imported lists (many types), ContestRadar, and your own ADIF or Cabrillo logs.
Most Callbooks are out of date as soon as they are printed. To refresh the data, you must wait until the following year's edition arrives. Not this one: it can be updated daily, if required, because all of the callbook data comes from the licencing dataset supplied online by the A.C.M.A. and installed automatically.
Some callbooks can be sorted and listed, but few can be mapped, and even fewer, if any, can have the data for each callsign compared with a variety of other useful local data sources supplied by the program, downloaded online, or created by you. This calbook can do all of that, and much more besides.
EI8IC's unique IOTA Bearing List has been updated with all the latest IOTA island numbers !! Create your own list of beam headings and distance, in miles or kilometers, to ALL of the IOTA island groups.
Exciting News for HF Operators and Contesters... The KB1SG Rhombic Pages are now back online, hosted here on the EI8IC website !!
...meanwhile,lets continue with an introduction to the rest of this website,
which is all about the hobby of Amateur Radio on the Short Wave Bands (HF), and the sport of Radio Contesting.
There are eleven main sections :
My Ham Station
HF Contesting
Irish Contesting
Buy And Sell It
Ham Links
Overlay Maps
Ham Maps
Ham Downloads
Guestmap Archives |
My Ham Station |
Here you will learn about EI8IC, a brief biography of my radio amateur 'career', and be able to see the radio equipment and aerials that I use. You will also be able to view and search my contest logs without wasting time downloading a Java-Applet.
HF Contesting |
The biggest of the section, reflecting my main interest. Here, in amongst nearly 50 pages, you can see a Calendar of Major HF contests that are coming up. You'll learn about ways of Budget Contesting that won't empty the pocket book. You'll browse through numerous Tips and Techniques. You'll read the Contest Stories from some of the World's Major Contesters. You'll see the latest VK4EM Contest-Bandplans. The Topband Frequency Allocations are here too.
Overlay Maps |
The newest of the sections on this website, these pages showcase the most exciting development in the field of mapping for Amateur Radio: Overlay Maps, and include an introduction, feature list, and screen-shots of the North American Overlay Mapper, and the Global Overlay Mapper.
Ham Maps |
The most popular section on this website, with a range of maps created by me for the Ham community. There's CQ Zone maps, IARU Zone maps, ITU Region maps, Great Circle maps, Prefix maps, Grid Locator maps, Time Zone maps, even a map of Irish Lighthouses.
APRS Maps |
This section represents a new field in Amateur Radio, but one that is growing fast in popularity: APRS - the Amateur Position Reporting System. A short introduction is followed by live maps of Irish APRS stations, maps for use with the FindU APRS server, maps for use with the UI-View APRS program, and a range of free APRS logos for your website.
Flags |
This section showcases a package of over 450 flags, available for use in your own project or website. All countries are represented, plus all US state flags, Australian state flags, and Canadian province flags.
Ham Downloads |
A small section, with some exclusive content, available nowhere else on the web. The maps are available, in two zipped files. There's the full set of coloured Contest Bandplans. And a great Log-Search script written in Perl, as used on this website.
Guestmap Archives |
The popular 'Guestmap', a new type of guestbook where you can mark your own position and leave your Callsign and comments, has only room for 100 entries at a time. This limit was soon exceeded, so it became necessary to create a series of archive-pages, where past visitors, no longer on the Guestmap, could have their calls and comments available to all.