Fully updated for 2019 - tested on Win 7, 8, 10

Introducing the VK Callbook Mapper
Welcome to the 'VK Callbook Mapper' - an Amateur Radio callbook for Australia that can be updated daily, can be visualised on Overlay and Online maps, and can be spatially queried and compared against other data tables (9 supplied), imported lists (many types), ContestRadar, and your own ADIF or Cabrillo logs.
Most Callbooks are out of date as soon as they are printed. To refresh the data, you must wait until the following year's edition arrives. Not this one: it can be updated daily, if required, because all of the callbook data comes from the licencing dataset supplied online by the A.C.M.A. and installed automatically.
Some callbooks can be sorted and listed, but few can be mapped, and even fewer, if any, can have the data for each callsign compared with a variety of other useful local data sources supplied by the program, downloaded online, or created by you. This calbook can do all of that, and much more besides.
Program FAQs
- Q: What operating system does the program run on?
A: Any recent version of Windows: 7, 8, 10.
- Q: Does the program have a minimum window size?
A: Yes: it's 1024 x 739 pixels.
- Q: Can I see some screenshots of the program?
A: Yes, here are a few on the Screenshots page.
- Q: Is there a list of program-features?
A: Yes, please visit the Features page.
- Q: Can I see the Help Guide before I download it?
A: Yes, just click here: Help Guide
- Q: Is there a free evaluation period?
A: Yes, you can trial the program with full functionality for 30 days. After that, you'll need a license.
- Q: What licences are available?
A: There are two types of licence:
- Standard license: all features available except the ability to store your own logs, plot them on the maps, and keep a database of confirmed/unconfirmed Grid-Squares.
- Advanced license: all features available, including Main and Auxiliary Log storage and plotting.
- Q: How much is the license and where do I get it?
A: Click one of these links:
- Buy a Standard license: 25.80 AUD or equiv in GBP, EUR, USD.
- Buy an Advanced license: 29.41 AUD or equiv in GBP, EUR, USD.
- Upgrade Standard to Advanced: 10.32 AUD or equiv in GBP, EUR, USD.
- Q: What is the latest version and what is new?
A: Current Version: v1.7.0.0 Updates: Help Guide Handler, and speed improvements.
VK Callbook Mapper Download
To obtain your copy of the VK Callbook Mapper program (v1.7.0.0), please enter your details in the boxes below. An email will be sent with the Download Link.