Global Overlay Mapper - Features
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Discussing the features of the Global Overlay Mapper.

'GOM v5' Program Features

'GOM v5' is a data-driven 'Swiss-Army Knife' Mapping Suite for the Radio Amateur that combines Overlay Mapping, Online Mapping, an attractive World Map with Gray Line plotting, a multi-background, multi-projection Great Circle Map with onboard Callsign Parsing, a unique Gray Line Toolkit, ADIF and Cabrillo Log Import, plus a Admin, Place Name, and Ham Country Databases.

Map Types
The following is a list of the different types of maps that can be produced:

  1. Overlay Mapper with 7 Continental Maps, and 37 Sub-Continental Maps. Each map has these overlays: Country, CQ Zones, ITU Zones, Time Zones, Color Relief Map, Grid Locators, Lat/Lon mesh, Admin Names, City Names, Prefix, IOTA, Flags.
  2. Online Mapping, with 20 Map Provider options. Show Grid-Locator and IOTA boxes.
  3. World Map with Multiple Foreground Overlays, and 23 different Backgrounds. Gray-Line Overlay with Night-time or Color Images. Click to re-center. 4 Zoom Levels.
  4. Great Circle Map with Gray-Line and Plotting. 4 different projections. Programmable Lat/Lon Circle and Radial Line overlays. Prefix, Sun, and Moon Plotting.
  5. Great Circle Map Quick Callsign and Country Parsing with Bearing Display and Antenna Beamwidth Plotting. Single/Multiple Range Rings.
  6. Gray Line Toolkit with animated Sunrise/Sunset Terminator, Route Plotting, and Complex Sunrise/Sunset Lists for many conditions in Tabular Format.
  7. Live NCDXF Beacon Map, updated from latest Beacon Status, with Active Beacon Map by Band, and Route Plotting.

Map Plotting
The following is a list of the different types of Map Plotting Facilities:

  1. Plot Log QSOs with 37 different types and colors of icon marker, plus 16 user-colored box markers.
  2. Plot callbook entries geo-referenced by from Online HamQTH Database.
  3. Plot the outlines of all Grid Locators, IOTA boxes, Zones, and Countries in a log or database.
  4. Plot markers for Place Names, Admin Areas, Positions, and Callsigns.
  5. Plot Imported Lists of Lat/Lon Positions, Grid Locators, Callsigns with or without Categories.

You can export your plotted maps and table data in a number of different ways:

  1. Export Table-data from Databases to Delimited File.
  2. Export Main or Auxiliary Logs to ADIF format.
  3. Export Filtered Main or Auxiliary Log to Delimited File.
  4. Export Grid Squares to Delimited File.
  5. Export Countries to Delimited File.
  6. Export CQ/ITU Zones to Delimited File.
  7. Export Overlay, Online, World, or Great Circle Maps as Image in JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, or TIF Image Format for Online Sharing.

The 'Search' facilty has sub tab-pages: Filtered Amateur Radio Countries, Callsign Parsing and Online Lookup, Admin Areas from 356,000 entry database, Place Names from 50,000 entry database, IOTA, Grid Locator and Position. Each enables you to search the various internal databases and tables in many different ways, using a variety of Search options. Results are returned in the 'Tables' tab-page, where you can right-click a line for further actions, including map-plotting, editing, or row-sorting.

The program can import amateur radio logs in either the ADIF or Cabrillo format to the two onboard log databases. The log format is recognised automatically, and the log is then parsed to identify the Countries, Regions, and Grid Locators for each QSO, as well as the other standard QSO values. Unique values for each QSO entity are calculated and displayed in the Log Summary, separated by band. List unique Country, Grid Locator, CQ Zone, or ITU Zone entries, and plot filtered subsets on the maps. Logs can be sorted by any column-value. QSOs can then be plotted on the maps. Logs can also be merged or edited in different ways, with new values checked for validity. Logs can be exported in CSV or ADIF format.

Admin Regions
The program has a huge internal database of over 356,000 entries, that displays in handy Tree-View format for easy access to any Admin and Sub-Admin Region. Right-click to plot, show more data, or generate a list of Cities for that entity.

Help Guide
The program has a comprehensive Help Guide with nearly 100 pages of useful information.

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