The stills from the film on this site were frame-grabbed from the DVD using the free software VideoLAN. If you plan on using it, read the FAQs first. It works very well, and lets you do many things not possible with Microsoft's MediaPlayer. The film-stills on this site are all the same size: 400 x 216 pixels, just in case you were wondering which photos were mine and which were David Lean's (hahaha). I don't have any special permission to use the frames, but hope no one will mind, as this site is non-commercial, and the frames are only used here to illustrate the locations used by David Lean in the film. I encourage everyone interested in the film to buy the DVD from a reputable store, such as Amazon.
Most of the other photos on the site are mine. You are welcome to use them on your own non-commercial site - see the Creative Commons License for more details. If you want to use any photos commercially, or are interested in any other of my 1000s of Indian photos, please email me. On no account are you allowed to hot-link to any images: if I find this going on, the names will be changed and your ISP alerted.
Other photos on the site have their source mentioned. If you wish to use them, contact the owners.
The basis for the script came from the script-o-rama site. However, that page has quite a few errors on it, and misses out all of the cast names too, so I sat down with a laptop and DVD remote-control, to produce the script page that you have seen. If you wish to copy it, please attribute the source on your website, and email me FIRST with your details.