Links for 'A Passage To India'
This page contains a short list of links that will be of interest to fans of the film 'A Passage To India'. If you would like to suggest a link of your own, please email it to me.
David Lean - Biography | A biography of David Lean at the Screen Online site, plus links to other movies and bibliography. | | A website devoted exclusively to the film career of David Lean. Information, complete film synopsis & credits, notes, biography, articles, and more. |
David Lean - BBC Interview | Audio interview online: How he sees his role as a director, working on location, his background as a cutter and the film making process. |
British Film Institute Catalogue | A list of items relating to the film 'A Passage To India' help in the special collection of the BFI. |
E.M. Forster - Background | Background information and links, all about E.M. Forster. |
India Office Records | No records here, unfortunately, but a useful resource to guide the researcher through what is available at the British Library. |
Families In British India Society | The Families In British India Society (FIBIS) is an organisation devoted to members with an interest in researching their ancestors and the background against which they led their lives in 'British India'. |
Historical Maps of India | An excellent site with many historical maps of India |
India 1:250,000 Topographic Maps | A site of more recent maps, of the U.S. Army Map Service's AMS Series U502. They are from the 1950's but may still be of use to researchers. |
Imperial gazetteer of India | Maps from the Imperial Gazetteer of India, volumes 1-24, 1907-1909. A very useful resource for researchers. |
IMDb Database Entry | Details of the film 'A Passage To India' at the International Movie Datbase. Comments about the film, background details, and a message-board. |
LE Book Review | A review of the book 'A Passage To India' by Peter Childs, of the University of Gloucestershire. |
Indian Newspaper article on Marabar Caves | An article from the Southern News, Karnataka about the cave-enlargement for the film. |
Cave Photo-Book | Some more photos of the Barabar Caves (in Dutch). |
Ramanagaram Photos | Some photos of the rocks and mountains at Ramanagaram, taken on a hike. |
P&O Ship Details | A compendium of information on individual P&O ships, companies, people and other aspects of P&O’s history. |
Indian Rail Historical Photo Gallery | An interesting site with many scans and photos of historical images. |
IRFCA FAQs | The Indian Rail Fan Club has some very useful FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) with all you ever wanted to know about Indian Railways, past and present. |
BB & CI Railway Photos | This thematic page of Indian stamps has some lovely historical railway photos, for the period of the film. |
GIPR Railway Photos - 1 | A page of black and white photographs of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway: prints available. |
GIPR Railway Photos - 2 | More excellent photographs of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway from the Science & Society Picture Library. |
WR Historical Pictures | Some interesting historical pictures of India's Western Railway. |