Nov 2021 - Exciting Photos and New Content!!
At last - some new content arrives! I made a trip to see the cave-sites near Bengalaru in 2017. I also visited Dodballapur Railway Station, just before it was demolished, and the location used for Mr Fielding's House. After sitting on these images for a few years(!) I was finally spurred to action by a letter from one of my website-visitors (yes, I love to receive them!) and thus present some new pages for you: 'Marabar Caves - page 4 - The Expedition Departs', 'Marabar Caves - page 5 - The Lower Cave', 'Marabar Caves - page 6 - The Upper Caves', 'Dodballapur Railway Station 1', 'Dodballapur Railway Station 2', and 'Mr Fielding's House'. As usual, all of my photos are available for licensing.
Dec 2010 - This Website Updated with New Content!!
This website has not had much new content for a while, so it was about time that a few changes were made. In 2009 I made a repeat visit to the Barabar Caves to capture new photographs. The trip was successful, and these new pictures have been incorporated in seven new Barabar Cave pages, starting here. There is also an online Google Map that shows the route taken during my visit to Barabar, and the exact location of each of the new photographs.
Although travelling in West Africa, I have been continuing my research for the website, so will be adding more new content in the near future.
Mar 2008 - Exciting News - Online Location Report Available!!
The BBC have just released a video report by Mark Tully that shows many interesting details of the film being made. To see this video, look at stills, or read a transcript of the report, click here and here.
Feb 2008 - Exciting News - New Edition to be released !!
Yes that's right. The following information was spotted on the DVD Review website by P2I reader Andy Smith - thanks, Andy! Here is an edited extract from that page:
A Passage To India comes as a Special Edition in April
David Lean’s often-overlooked gem A Passage To India comes to DVD and is making its Blu-Ray Disc debut also in April, complete with new special features.
...This new Special Edition version of the film will come with a Commentary Track with producer Richard Goodwin among many other extras. Look for a number of Featurettes, such as “E.M. Forster: A Profile of an Author”, covering elements of Forster's life and some of the main themes within the book are covered. In “An Epic Takes Shape” the cast and crew talk about the genesis of the project, while “An Indian Affair” covers the main period of production over in India.
“Only Connect: A Vision of India” is a featurette covering the whole area of Post Production and also includes the final days of shooting in the studios at Shepperton, while “Casting a Classic” gives viewers a look at the casting the film and the challenges of bringing characters from the book to life.
The disc’s highlights will be “David Lean: Shooting with the Master” a featurette that takes a look at Lean as a Director with emphasis on this film being the last of his career, and "Reflections of David Lean" a featurette on David Lean that appeared on the last DVD release of the film already.
The Blu-Ray version will also contain Enhanced Graphics and a Trivia Track.
The journey begins on April 15 and you can get your ticket for only $24.96 on DVD and $28.95 on Blu-Ray.
2/6/2008 10:30:19 AM, by Guido Henkel