Info Bar
The Info Bar is a region to the left of the map that is turned on when needed, either by typing any of the two-letter Program Shortcuts 'IA' to 'IQ' on the keyboard, or by clicking the 'Info Bar' button in the 'Controls Panel'. The Info Bar is designed to show textual and graphical information that is too extensive to be fitted on to the 'Data Bar' or the 'News Ticker'. You can adjust the width of the Info Bar by typing 'W1' to 'W5'. The 'W5' width is three-times the width of the 'W1' setting. Typing 'W0' or clicking the 'Info Bar' button in the 'Controls Panel' will hide the Info Bar, and expand the Map to fill its space.
As the width of the Info Bar changes, so do the fonts used in the Info Bar, so the amount of information shown remains the same. The Info Bar is updated by the program as necessary. Some pages have content that does not change very often, whereas other pages are updated every second.
The Info Bar content is split into pages. These are selected by typing 'IA' to 'IQ'. If the Info Bar is not currently showing, typing one of 'IA' to 'IQ' will show it, and load that page.
Some of the Info Bar content is too large to be shown on one page. If that is the case, the content will be split into sub-pages, and these sub-pages will each be shown for a certain amount of time (10, 12, 15, or 20 seconds, depending which page is on view) before the Info Bar page advances to the next sub-page.
The Info Bar has the following pages: Shortcut Keys, Map Legend, Propagation Info, Propagation Images, Solar Info, Lunar Info, Satellite Data, DX Cluster, DX News Feed, Contest Calendar, NCDXF Beacons, Logger Feed, Ham Log, PSK Reporter, City Climate, Volcano Info, and Download Stats.
Info Bar Page Details
Shortcut Keys (IA) - This page lists all of the typed two-character program shortcuts. It is generally quicker to control the program via typed shortcuts rather than opening the 'Controls Panel' or the 'Settings Menu'. It is worth making the Shortcuts page your first stop whilst getting to know the program.
Map Legend (IB) - This page shows a list of all visible Map Layers, in their order of plotting, where the layer at the back of the image, immediately after the map and GrayLine is placed first in the list, and the layer that is on top of all the others is placed at the end of the list. Where a Map Layer has a range of options, the currently selected option for that layer will be shown beneath the layer entry in the list. Some layers, such as 'Earthquakes', have additional information to share. This will be shown beneath the selected option.
Propagation Info (IC) - Thanks to the nice guys at HamQsl.Com, the Time Mapper UHD displays the latest data for 20 types of propagation data, and also shows the current conditions for 8 HF bands, and VHF E-Skip details.
Propagation Images (ID) - Thanks to the nice guys at the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Service, the Time Mapper UHD displays a cycling selection from 20+ different Propagation Images, Graphs, and Charts. Type 'P1'-'P6' to expand a thumbnail and show it in the Image Viewer. 'P1' is the current top-most image. Type 'P1'-'P6' again to close the Image Viewer.
Solar Info (IE) - This page shows a list of useful Solar Information based on the User Location, as entered in the 'User' tab-page of the 'Settings Menu', and the date and time values that the program is currently using, as set in the 'Date Time' tab-page of the 'Settings Menu'. This may be the current time (recommended), or a fixed value, an offset value, or a loop between specified limits. The User Solar Information shown is: Latitude, Longitude, Grid Locator, Time Zone, Local Time, Dawn, Sunrise, Postrise, Preset, Sunset, Dusk, Solar Midnight, Moonrise, Moonset, Sun Altitude, Sun Azimuth, Sun Posn: Lat, Sun Posn: Lon, Sun Posn: GridLoc, Current Total Daylight, Zodiac Sign, Spring Equinox Date, Spring Equinox Time, Summer Solstice Date, Summer Solstice Time, Fall Equinox Date, Fall Equinox Time, Winter Solstice Date, Winter Solstice Time as well as Total Daylight Values for all the Equinox Periods: Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox, Winter Solstice. There is also a Polar Map centered on your location, that shows three tracks: the Sun Path at the Summer Solstice (Orange), the Sun Path at the Winter Solstice (Green), and the Sun Path for the current date and program-time (Yellow), with an icon showing the current Sun position. Note that if the sun is not available for the date/time/location, or is up all day, the tracks will not be shown.
Lunar Info (IF) - This page shows a list of useful Lunar Information based on the User Location, as entered in the 'User' tab-page of the 'Settings Menu', and the date and time values that the program is currently using, as set in the 'Date Time' tab-page of the 'Settings Menu'. This may be the current time (recommended), or a fixed value, an offset value, or a loop between specified limits. The User Lunar Information shown is: Latitude, Longitude, Grid Locator, Time Zone, Local Time, Dawn, Sunrise, Postrise, Preset, Sunset, Dusk, Solar Midnight, Moonrise, Moonset, Zodiac Sign, Spring Equinox Date, Spring Equinox Time, Summer Solstice Date, Summer Solstice Time, Fall Equinox Date, Fall Equinox Time, Winter Solstice Date, Winter Solstice Time, Moon Phase, Moon Phase Notes, Moon Is Up, Moon Altitude, Moon Azimuth, Moon Distance. If space allows, it also shows an image of the current Moon Phase, courtesy of NASA:
Satellite Data (IG) - Although you can show some details of the currently-selected satellite in the Data Bar, the Satellite Data page in the Info Bar gives you more details. The Time Mapper UHD can show up to 8 different satellites on the map at once, selected in the 'Settings Menu > Satellites' sub-page. The Satellite Data page in the Info Bar lets you choose to rotate between all the available satellites, by typing the shortcut 'SA', or lock on to one specific satellite by typing the shortcuts 'S1' - 'S8'. For the selected Satellite, you will see Latitude, Longitude, Azimuth, Elevation, Range, Altitude, Speed, Footprint Radius, and a list of details for the next 5 satellite passes over your home location. There is also a Polar Map, centered on your location, that shows the predicted path from horizon to horizon, with details of Azimuth and Elevation plus current sun position for the next 5 passes where the satellite will be visible at the User Location. When a single satellite is selected, the polar diagram will show a different image when the pass is active, with an orange arrow showing the current direction to the satellite. This image is not shown when rotating through 'All Satellites', as there may be more than one satellites currently over-flying the User-location. There is also a countdown timer to the next 'AOS' (Acquisition Of Satellite). When the satellite is in view, an arrow is added to the polar plot, showing the current direction to the satellite from the User Position, with a countdown timer to 'LOS' (Loss Of Satellite). Extra details are added for the selected Satellite: Satellite Number, International Designator, Epoch, Local Sideral Time, Set Number, Inclination, Right Ascending Node, Eccentricity, Argument of Perigee, Drag Term, Mean Anomaly, and Mean Motion. When available for the current satellite, we also show Uplink/Downlink/Beacon frequency information, plus Mode, Callsign, and Status, thanks to Mineo Wakita JE9PEL at
DX Cluster (IH) - This page shows a list of HF DX Spots with selectable band option from the DX Cluster, courtesy of the nice guys at To change the band option, type: 'DX' for All Bands, 'TB' for 160m, '80' for 80m, '60' for 60m, '40' for 40m, '30' for 30m, '20' for 20m, '17' for 17m, '15' for 15m, '12' for 12m, and '10' for 10m.
DX News Feed (II) - This page shows DX News items from the nice people at DXNews.Com. If there are more items than can be shown at once in the available space, the list will be split into pages.
Contest Calendar (IJ) - This page shows the latest Amateur Radio Contest details from the online WA7BNM Contest Calendar, courtesy of Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, the nice guy at
NCDXF Beacons (IK) - This page shows a list of NCDXF Beacons from the nice guys at the website, with names, locations, and current frequency of each Beacon, plus any operational Foot Notes indicating service-status.
Logger Feed (IL) - The Info Bar display for the Logger Feed has a number of sub-pages that cycle automatically: QSO count; Band count and list; Mode count and list; Intensity Decay settings; List of most recent QSOs with Call, DateTime, Band, Mode, Short Path Bearing, Distance; List of Total Countries; List of Total Grid Squares; List of Countries by Band; List of Countries by Mode; List of Grid Squares by Band; List of Grid Squares by Mode.
Ham Log (IM) - The Info Bar display for the Ham Log has a number of sub-pages that cycle automatically: Country count; List of Total Countries; Band count and list; List of Country Prefixes by Band; List of Country Flags by Band; Mode count and list; List of Country Prefixes by Mode; List of Country Flags by Mode; List of Total Grid Squares; List of Grid Squares by Band; List of Grid Squares by Mode; List of most recent QSOs with Call, DateTime, Band, Mode, Short Path Bearing, Distance.
PSK Reporter (IN) - The Info Bar display for the PSK Reporter has a number of sub-pages for the selected Filter that cycle automatically: List of Total Countries; List of Total Grid Squares; List of Country Prefixes by Band; List of Country Flags by Band; List of Grid Squares by Band; List of SNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio) In Ascending Order; List of SNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio) In Descending Order; List of the 25 Most Recent Reports. To change the selected Filter, go to 'Settings Menu > PSK Reporter'.
City Climate (IO) - There are a maximum of 5 sections in the Data Bar, each of which can have a separate city selected in the 'Clock over City Data' option. Whether or not a section is showing the 'Clock over City Data' option, it still always has a country and city selected for it, and those 5 cities are the ones used in the Info Bar display for 'City Climate'. The 5 cities alternate in a 1 minute rotation. For each one, we are shown the City Name and Country; the Latitude and Longitude; and the Time Zone. When available we are also shown the weather forecasts for the next 5 days: Minimum and Maximum Temperatures, and Weather Outlook. Then, there is a 12 month City Climate Profile, with Mean Minimum and Maximum Temperatures, Rain Days, and Mean Rainfall. The units used for temperature and rainfall are determined by your choice of Distance Units in 'Settings Menu > User > User Default Units and Formats'.
Volcano Info (IP) - This page shows detailed information about many of the volcanos featured on the 'Volcano' map-layer. The information is automatically divided into pages, that are then cycled automatically.
Earthquake Info (IP) - This page shows a color-key for the different levels of Magnitude of the earthquakes plotted on the map in the 'Natural > Earthquakes' map-layer. Colors for hidden ranges of magnitude are not shown. It then lists the description of the currently-selected earthquake-option that was chosen on the 'Layers Menu', and lists the seven recent 'Most Powerful Earthquakes', with details of magnitude, location, position, depth, number of seismic-stations that spotted it, and the date and time.
Marker Info (IR) - This page lists all of the Map-Markers, even if they are not currently plotting on the map. It also lists a variety of information about each Map-Marker: name, position, Grid Locator, Time Zone, Local Time, Dawn, Sunrise, Sunset, Solar Midnight, Moon Rise, Moon Set, current Sun Altitude, Sun Azimuth, Total Daylight, and the Direction and Distance of the Marker from the User Location. The time values are shown in Local Time, UTC, and at the corresponding time for the User (which is your time!). It also includes the 'Time Difference From User', which can be useful when organizing or estimating the best time to contact someone at that location. Map-Markers are added and edited in the 'Settings Menu > Markers' page.
Download Stats (IS) - The program downloads data from a number of sources, then uses that data in various parts of the program. If the download source is not available, the program often uses previously stored values. It is therefore useful to be able to check just what data is being used, and how recently it was downloaded and copied. The 'Download Stats' page does that in two different ways, that alternate and display automatically:
a/ It shows the most recent download status for each of the entities that are in use. If a map-layer that exclusively uses a certain data-source is not showing on the map, it won't be listed here.
b/ It shows the current download status data for the latest 20 events in chronological order. Any entity may be featured in the list.