Ham Radio > PSK Reporter
Vector > Ham Radio > PSK Reporter
Data Source: PSK Reporter Website via an MQTT Feed
Websites: https://pskreporter.info/ http://mqtt.pskreporter.info/
This Map Layer is a Vector Layer composed of Points, Lines and Labels, so the Style for each of these can be changed as desired by opening the 'Layers Menu' and clicking the relevant Style buttons. If the 'Flag' option is chosen, adjusting any label-settings will be ignored.
The other required settings for the layer: the Callsigns, ADIF-Entities, Grid Squares, Mode, Band, and Time-Period, that make up the Topic Filters are all set in the 'Settings Menu > PSK Reporter' sub-page.
The PSK Reporter website by Philip Gladstone (N1DQ) houses a project to automatically gather reception records of digimode activity and then make those records available in near realtime to interested parties - typically the amateur who initiated the communication. The prefix 'PSK' refers to the project's initial intention of recording PSK31 QSOs, but now it will report on a great many of the digital modes used by radio amateurs, including the popular FT8, FT4, PSK, WSPR, and others. Although the project has its own map interface, it also makes records available for use by external programs, either directly, or via a feed to other distributors. The 'Time Mapper UHD' uses data from an MQTT Feed supplied by Tom Fanning (M0LTE). It shows live, rather than historical data, and can be limited by time. There is also a maximum of 3000 reports stored or plotted at one time.
The quantity of Reports received can quickly become overwhelming, and so therefore we apply Filters to limit the data. We might wish to see only the signals that one Callsign is hearing, or signals that are being sent from one or two Countries, defined by ADIF Entity. We might be only interested in one or two different Bands, or Modes. Or combinations of any of the above.
To create a Filter, use the 'Configure Filter' panel on the 'Settings Menu > PSK Reporter' sub-page. Enter values in the boxes of interest, then check the adjacent check-box(es). Only checked entities are incorporated into a new Filter. Click the 'Add Filter to Current Filters' button to add it to the list of 'Current Filters' below. You can have up to four Filters running at one time.
To delete a Filter from the list, right-click it and select 'Delete PSK Filter'.
Additional Layer Features
PSK Reporter provides for two types of stations: 'Receiving Station' (aka Rx) and 'Sending Station' (aka Tx). When the 'Receiving Station' is selected, the map will show whatever signals are being received by the 'Receiving Station'. When the 'Sending Station' is selected, the map will show where the signals from the 'Sending Station' are being received.
In the Layers Menu, you can use the 'Additional Layer Features' control that is associated with the 'Ham Radio > PSK Reporter' layer to select:
1 - PskReporter Rx Signals - Callsign Label
2 - PskReporter Rx Signals - Band Label
3 - PskReporter Rx Signals - Mode Label
4 - PskReporter Rx Signals - SNR Label
5 - PskReporter Rx Countries - Country Name Label
6 - PskReporter Rx Countries - Prefix Label
7 - PskReporter Rx Countries - Flag
8 - PskReporter Tx Signals - Callsign Label
9 - PskReporter Tx Signals - Band Label
10 - PskReporter Tx Signals - Mode Label
11 - PskReporter Tx Signals - SNR Label
12 - PskReporter Tx Countries - Country Name Label
13 - PskReporter Tx Countries - Prefix Label
14 - PskReporter Tx Countries - Flag
15 - PskReporter Unique Country Pairs - Prefix Label
16 - PskReporter Unique Country Pairs - Flag
When you select one of the 'Signals' options, the plotted points will show where each Report was sent or received from. When you select one of the 'Countries' options, the plotted points will show the default position for each country in the Report. The base-position: where the Lines originate from, is the position of the 'Receiving Station' or the 'Sending Station'.
The last two options: 'Unique Country Pairs' are a new and exciting way to display PSK reports, and are very useful for all who are interested in current band conditions. Rather than show the usual mass of lines or points that fill the screen and make it quite difficult to see what is actually happening, these options will show a Line for each report between two countries, with the ends of the line marked by either a Prefix Label, or a Flag. Thus, you can quickly and clearly see which countries are currently contacting each other. The recommended way to use these options are to use a selected band as the Filter value, though you can, of course, introduce more Filter values if you wish.
Additional Information
When viewing the 'PSK Reporter' map-layer, you might also find it useful to see lots of extra information about the Reports contained, and the log statistics, by typing 'IN' to view the InfoBar's 'PSK Reporter' page. This has a number of sub-pages for the selected Callsign that cycle automatically: List of Total Countries; List of Total Grid Squares; List of Country Prefixes by Band; List of Country Flags by Band; List of Grid Squares by Band; List of SNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio) In Ascending Order; List of SNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio) In Descending Order; Best Current PSK Frequency for your Grid Square; List of the 25 Most Recent Reports.
Note that the values shown in the InfoBar, just like the positions plotted on the map, apply only to the period of time selected in the 'Maximum Age of Reports' panel on the 'Settings Menu > PSK Reporter' sub-page.
The sub-page 'Best Current PSK Frequency for your Grid Square' is from another service kindly provided by Philip Gladstone (N1DQ). It tells you which is the 'best frequency' to listen on to hear PSK31 traffic in your grid square at the current time, based on actual traffic-reports. This is useful if you leave your radio unattended, yet controlled by software. If there is insufficient data, then no frequency will be returned.
PSK Reporter FAQ
Q. I am not seeing any Received Signals or Sent Signals on the map for a specific callsign.
A. Perhaps the specified station has not received or sent any signals within the specified time window, using the specified bands or modes !
Q. Why don't you show all Active Receivers, like the PSK Reporter website does?
A. I did try this, but as there are often over 6000 of them, the list takes a while to download and process. Then, showing 6000 dots without the ability to zoom in is not so useful. Adding callsigns to them is just a mess. If you have a better idea, please let me know.
Q. Why can't I see Reports received by a Station for the last hour?
A. The data received from the MQTT Feed only contains live, not historical reports. To see reports for the last hour, you will have to monitor a Filter for an hour.