Program Shortcuts
The Time Mapper UHD program-window has a number of useful shortcuts. To access these, simply type the 2-letter shortcut on your keyboard whilst the Time Mapper UHD program-window has focus. The list of shortcuts is:
LM = Layers Menu
MM = Maps Menu
SM = Settings Menu
IA - Shortcut Keys
IB - Map Legend
IC - Prop Info
ID - Prop Images
P1 - Expand Prop Image 1
P2 - Expand Prop Image 2
P3 - Expand Prop Image 3
P4 - Expand Prop Image 4
P5 - Expand Prop Image 5
P6 - Expand Prop Image 6
IE - Solar Info
IF - Lunar Info
IG - Satellite Data
IH - DX Cluster
DX - DX Spots ALL
TB - DX Spots 160m
80 - DX Spots 80m
60 - DX Spots 60m
40 - DX Spots 40m
30 - DX Spots 30m
20 - DX Spots 20m
17 - DX Spots 17m
15 - DX Spots 15m
12 - DX Spots 12m
10 - DX Spots 10m
II - DX News Feed
IJ - Contest Calendar
IK - NCDXF Beacons
IL - Logger Feed
IM - Ham Log
IN - PSK Reporter
IO - City Climate
IP - Volcano Info
IQ - Earthquake Info
IR - Marker Info
IS - Download Stats
PI - InfoBar Paging Paused. When paging has been paused, the shortcut on the title at the top of the InfoBar page is enclosed in brackets: '[IM] - Ham Log'.
PR - InfoBar Paging Resumed. When paging resumes, the shortcut on the title at the top of the InfoBar page is no longer enclosed in brackets: 'IM - Ham Log'.
W0 - InfoBar Hidden
W1 - InfoBar Width 300 pixels
W2 - InfoBar Width 450 pixels
W3 - InfoBar Width 600 pixels
W4 - InfoBar Width 750 pixels
W5 - InfoBar Width 900 pixels
BB - Bye Bye: Close the program
CS - Contest Simulator
MI - Minimise the Form
MA - Maximise the Form
RE - Restore the Form
UM - UDP Monitor
You can see this list at any time in the InfoBar by typing 'IA'.