This map is for use in the ARRL '10m Contest', which takes place every year on the second full weekend in December. You are welcome to use this map on your own NON-COMMERCIAL website, if you include a link to this site, and DO NOT edit them in any way. Please Contact Me for other uses, sizes, styles, formats, or projections.

Click the map to see the full sized-version (1900 x 2080 px) in a new browser-window.
If you use my maps, please buy me a coffee.
How much did you spend on your rigs and antennas? Buying me a coffee isn't much in comparison, is it?!
Contest Details:
- When: The contest begins at 0000 UTC Saturday and runs through 2359 UTC Sunday. You may operate for a maximum of 36 hours out of the 48-hour period. Off times must be at least 30 minutes long.
- Bands/Modes: Only use the 28 MHz band. Both phone and CW may be used. Contact stations only once per mode.
- Categories: Single Operator and Single Operator Unlimited stations in any power category can enter as Mixed-Mode, CW-Only, or Phone-Only. Multioperator stations may only enter as Mixed-Mode. See the Special Rules and HF Categories sections for details.
- Limited Antennas Overlay: Any Single Operator or Single Operator Unlimited entrant can enter using the Limited Antennas Overlay. Operation is limited to the use of single-element antennas such as a single vertical, end-fed wire, or a single dipole antenna no more than 50 feet above ground at its highest point. The antenna(s) may cover multiple bands, as in the case of multiband verticals and dipoles with fan or trap constructions.
- Contacts: All stations may contact any other station on both CW and Phone.
- Exchange: All stations send a signal report. W/VE stations, including Alaska and Hawaii) send their state or province. (District of Columbia stations send 'DC'.) Mexican stations send their state or province. DX stations send a serial number. Maritime mobile stations send ITU Region (1-3).
For full contest details and the latest rules, see the ARRL website.
ARRL 10m Contest Multipliers List There are 97 Multipliers in total, comprising of: Alaska, Hawaii, 49 in Continental USA, 14 in Canada, and 32 in México.
Abbrev | Call Area | Name | Country |
CT | K1 | Connecticut | USA |
MA | K1 | Massachusetts | USA |
ME | K1 | Maine | USA |
NH | K1 | New Hampshire | USA |
RI | K1 | Rhode Island | USA |
VT | K1 | Vermont | USA |
NJ | K2 | New Jersey | USA |
NY | K2 | New York | USA |
DC | K3 | District of Columbia | USA |
DE | K3 | Delaware | USA |
MD | K3 | Maryland | USA |
PA | K3 | Pennsylvania | USA |
AL | K4 | Alabama | USA |
FL | K4 | Florida | USA |
GA | K4 | Georgia | USA |
KY | K4 | Kentucky | USA |
NC | K4 | North Carolina | USA |
SC | K4 | South Carolina | USA |
TN | K4 | Tennessee | USA |
VA | K4 | Virginia | USA |
AR | K5 | Arkansas | USA |
LA | K5 | Louisiana | USA |
MS | K5 | Mississippi | USA |
NM | K5 | New México | USA |
OK | K5 | Oklahoma | USA |
TX | K5 | Texas | USA |
CA | K6 | California | USA |
HI | KH6 | Hawaii | USA |
AK | KL7 | Alaska | USA |
AZ | K7 | Arizona | USA |
ID | K7 | Idaho | USA |
MT | K7 | Montana | USA |
NV | K7 | Nevada | USA |
OR | K7 | Oregon | USA |
UT | K7 | Utah | USA |
WA | K7 | Washington | USA |
WY | K7 | Wyoming | USA |
MI | K8 | Michigan | USA |
OH | K8 | Ohio | USA |
WV | K8 | West Virginia | USA |
IL | K9 | Illinois | USA |
IN | K9 | Indiana | USA |
WI | K9 | Wisconsin | USA |
CO | K0 | Colorado | USA |
IA | K0 | Iowa | USA |
KS | K0 | Kansas | USA |
MN | K0 | Minnesota | USA |
MO | K0 | Missouri | USA |
NE | K0 | Nebraska | USA |
ND | K0 | North Dakota | USA |
SD | K0 | South Dakota | USA |
AB | VE6 | Alberta | Canada |
BC | VE7 | British Columbia | Canada |
LB | VO2 | Labrador | Canada |
MB | VE4 | Manitoba | Canada |
NB | VE9 | New Brunswick | Canada |
NF | VO1 | Newfoundland | Canada |
NS | VE1 | Nova Scotia | Canada |
NU | VY0 | Nunavut | Canada |
NWT | VE8 | Northwest Territories | Canada |
ON | VE3 | Ontario | Canada |
PEI | VY2 | Prince Edward Island | Canada |
QC | VE2 | Quebec | Canada |
SK | VE5 | Saskatchewan | Canada |
YT | VY1 | Yukon Territories | Canada |
COL | XE1 | Colima | México |
CMX | XE1 | Ciudad de México | México |
EMX | XE1 | Estado de México | México |
GTO | XE1 | Guanajuato | México |
HGO | XE1 | Hidalgo | México |
JAL | XE1 | Jalisco | México |
MIC | XE1 | Michoacán | México |
MOR | XE1 | Morelos | México |
NAY | XE1 | Nayarit | México |
PUE | XE1 | Puebla | México |
QRO | XE1 | Querétaro | México |
TLX | XE1 | Tlaxcala | México |
VER | XE1 | Veracruz | México |
AGS | XE2 | Aguascalientes | México |
BAC | XE2 | Baja California | México |
BCS | XE2 | Baja California Sur | México |
CHH | XE2 | Chihuahua | México |
COA | XE2 | Coahuila | México |
DGO | XE2 | Durango | México |
NLE | XE2 | Nuevo León | México |
SLP | XE2 | San Luis Potosí | México |
SIN | XE2 | Sinaloa | México |
SON | XE2 | Sonora | México |
TAM | XE2 | Tamaulipas | México |
ZAC | XE2 | Zacatecas | México |
CAM | XE3 | Campeche | México |
CHI | XE3 | Chiapas | México |
GRO | XE3 | Guerrero | México |
OAX | XE3 | Oaxaca | México |
QUI | XE3 | Quintana Roo | México |
TAB | XE3 | Tabasco | México |
YUC | XE3 | Yucatán | México |