Contester Profile - EI5IP
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• This page introduces Irish Contester EI5IP - Ari Pietikainen.
Call-signs, past/present
OH2BSI (home)
EI5IP (when in EI)
OH2BSI/OH0 (SAC m/s with OH2BSQ)
ZA/OH2BSI (part of IARU team in ZA1A)
Many m/s m/m contests from OH2TI and OH2AAZ
My Tower(s)
None available now (will work out something)
Transmitting Antennas
  • 160m - none available now (will work out something)
  • 80m - halfwave dipole + linear loaded GP
  • 40m - halfwave dipole + linear loaded GP
  • 20m - 2el short delta loop (Les Moxon style) 59ft wire top wire @ about 30ft, resonant feedline
  • 15m - 2el short delta loop (Les Moxon style) 59ft wire top wire @ about 30ft, resonant feedline
  • 10m - 2el short delta loop (Les Moxon style) 59ft wire top wire @ about 30ft, resonant feedline
Receiving Antennas
No dedicated RX ant available now.
TS930, TS50 (as second receiver)
(Not interested in adding to QRM load, prefer 100W)
Useful Accessories
No extras other than 2nd RX
Contesting Software
  • Logger - homebrew MS Excel based, experimenting with SuperDuper
  • RTTY - None
  • Other - None
When did you start contesting ?
1978 (OH2BSI, licensed 1977)
Comments about your early contesting...
Started with CW. That got my interest right away, did some 5W stuff in the early days (as 15W was max pwr for a novice) in CQWW, All Asia and the likes. Few HF CW OH contests that I would not have participated in. BTW we have 5 major 2-hour OH contests on 3,5/7MHz annually, very enjoyable!
What do you enjoy about HF Contesting ?:
Digging out the multipliers and the weak stations, especially towards the end of the contest, getting high QSO rates in the early part of the contest, coping with the pile-ups both ways.
What do you attribute to your success ?
Good CW ear, starting with a Geloso RX and then moving on to HW-101 with 2,5kHz filter learned the ear to cope with high levels of interference (I strongly believe that starting with today's rigs with narrow filters and DSP would not have lead to the same ability), early adoption to dual VFO and later extra receiver practices.
Which are your favourite contests, and why ?
SAC - the Scandinavian countries competing against each others, very special.
CQ WW WPX - lots of multipliers, usually better conditions than CQWW from OH.
CQ WW - the high number of stations participating.
ARRL DX - the endless QSO runs when conditions are right, high quality op's. We ran ARRL DX m/s with OH5BA as OH5BA/CT3 in late 80's, one of the best experiences so far NRAU - another nordic contest, now including the baltic ES,YL,LY.
All Asia - easy to get high QSO rates from OH.
What is the next planned improvement to your station ?
Finalising the delta loop installation which was temporarily set up for SAC. I guess I should finally get a CW filter to my TS-930...
What tips would you pass on to budget-contesters ?
Great results can be achieved with homebrew antennas and qrp or 100W power rigs. Wire antennas are easy to construct and very cheap. A multiband GP can work well enough to bring quite satisfactory results (but will not get you to top ten). Possibly focus on one to three bands and run single band in one of them depending on conditions, optimise the station for those bands. Homebrew open-wire feeder beats any coax both in performance and cost if long feedlines are a must. Pay much more attention to overall efficiency than SWR.
What advice do you have for new contesters ?
Learn to listen, get the rythm right when calling CQ test, join a multiop team for a learning experience, try single band category if your station setup is restricted, use dual VFO/RX techniques and logging SW. Monitor the bands and conditions around the year, understand and use the gray line phenomenon if you have a directional antenna. I believe all this applies to phone as well even though written from CW perspective.
Contact Details
Email: ei5ip AT sral DOT net
Homepage: None yet.
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