Over 460 flags for your website for only 10 US Dollars
Whilst developing my overlay maps, I realised that I would need a full set of world and state flags. As no complete set was available to my specifications, I had no choice but to create more than 460 flags myself. Some examples are shown above.
The design guidelines for the Mini-Flag collection were :
- Each flag is 48 pixels x 32 pixels x 16 colors
- Each flag has a file-size of less than 1Kb
- Each flag has a black border, 1 pixel wide
- Each flag has been hand-edited, for clarity
- A minimum number of colors used for each flag
- Every current DXCC country included
- Each flag identified by amateur-prefix and name
- Fully updated with the latest flag: Montenegro
Some people have remarked that it would have been easier to re-size available flags. This was a possibility that I did do some research into, but in the end, I wasn't satisfied with the results obtained from even the best programs. If you take a look at the example of the flag for the US state of New York above, you can judge it for yourself.
Other people have suggested that it is easy to download the flags from the Internet, rather than pay. My response is to tell them to go ahead and try ! Finding flags for all of the current DXCC areas is a very difficult task, and will take you many hours. Here, you find them all together in one pack.
I have received a number of emails expressing interest in the flags, so have decided to make them available to everyone, at a nominal price of 10 US dollars. You can use them on private or commercial websites.
The only restrictions are that you don't offer them for download as a package, try to re-sell them, or try to include them in any collection of graphics, clipart, etc. I would appreciate a link to this site wherever they are used, but that's not compulsory.
What you will receive:
Africa: | 75 flags | Asia: | 57 flags | Europe: | 72 flags |
Oceania: | 59 flags | North America: | 48 flags | South America: | 29 flags |
50 USA state flags + DC, same format as above: | 51 flags |
USA state flags, preserved aspect ratio, no borders: | 51 flags |
Australia state flags | 8 flags |
Canada province flags | 13 flags |
- Certain territories use the same flag as their mother country, so flags for these areas are duplicated in the set, though re-named for clarity.
- Extra flags are included for certain non-DXCC areas, such as Shetland Islands, Sicily, United Kingdom, etc.
- All flags are named by prefix and country: ei-Ireland.gif
How to get your set of flags. To get your your set of EI8IC Mini-Flags, you must pay online using the free PayPal service. When payment has been received, you will be taken to a link for downloading.
To pay online, click the button below, which will take you straight to the PayPal website via a Secure webpage. Once the payment has completed, you will be taken to a link for downloading.
PayPal allows you to securely send money to any other registered PayPal user. The money is charged to your credit card, and sent to the recipient. The transaction takes seconds to complete, and is processed using a secure server at all times. Click
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