Contest Writeups - N2IC
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• This page contains an account of operating in the CQ World Wide CW Contest of 2000, by N2IC.
CQ World Wide CW Contest of 2000.

Equipment and Antennas

Station 1 - Kenwood TS-950SDX + Alpha 76PA
Station 2 - Kenwood TS-930S/PIEXX + Alpha 76CA

Tower 1 - 120' Rohn 25G
KT-34XA at 120'/65' in upper/lower/both stack

Tower 2 - 120' Rohn 45G
KLM 40-3 at 120'
KT-34A at 115'
6 el 10 OWA Design at 45' fixed NE
160 meter half sloper

2 phased 80 meter verticals with 4 elevated radials each

600' Beverages NE, E, SE, SW, NW


After having a great time operating at KC1XX's station for the previous 3 CQWW CW contests, I was ready to stay home, have a nice Thanksgiving dinner with my XYL, and try to set a new W0 record. This has been a generally disappointing solar cycle, so this could very well be the final year to have a run at that record. I had no illusions about making the USA top-10, like I did in ARRL DX CW - there simply aren't enough hours of high band propagation from Colorado to Europe in late November, compared to late February.

The station was in good shape. I made a few changes over the summer, such as putting up the 10 meter OWA beam, and the usual repairs on the 80 meter wire vertical array. Fortunately, none of the major antennas required any repair. The TS-930S gave me a lot of trouble last spring, but, with the help of AA0RS, I finally got to the root cause and it has been a solid radio ever since. About a year ago I had a discussion with N0NR about station ergonomics. I have always thought there might be a better way to use the 2nd radio than reaching over the keyboard and all the other clutter on the table. Glen made an interesting suggestion about having the 2nd radio (primarily used for S&P) off on the side, near the front of the operating table, and rotated about 45 degrees. That way its main tuning control would always be within easy reach of my left hand. It looks a little strange, but I think it's a vast improvement compared to reaching over the keyboard.

I am a strong believer in banking sleep for several days prior to a contest. That was easy for this contest. I changed jobs in late November, with my last day at the old job being the Monday before CQWW, and the first day at the new job being the Monday after CQWW. Combining the lack of job-related stress and staying home for the contest meant I was well-rested.

The Contest

As everyone knows, the propagation forecasts going into the contest were dire. Even the local newspaper had a front-page story on Friday morning about the expected solar storms and visible aurora borealis expected for the weekend. The bands sounded okay (but not great) on Friday, and the best guess for the onset of the geomagnetic storm was between 12Z-18Z Saturday. This meant making the most of the conditions Friday night and Saturday morning. Rather than treat the contest as a 48 hour marathon, I was going to pretend it was a 18 hour sprint, and hope I could make enough QSO's during the final 30 hours to come close to the W0 record.

I reasoned that the best strategy for the first 15 hours would be to make the best use of the highest bands that were open, figuring that they would be most adversely affected by the storm. Starting the contest on 10 meters was an easy decision - I always start a DX contest on the highest band open to JA. It gives me a great emotional boost to have 300-400 QSO's in the log in the first 3 hours. I opened up on 28012, working JA, PY, HL, YB and OH as my first 5 QSO's. This is fun ! In addition to a good Asian opening, I had propagation to Scandanavia. This is not unusual during the 00Z hour. What was surprising were the other Europeans I worked during the first hour on 10 - RU1A, GI0KOW, HG0HQ, S53O, LY7A, EW1WZ, RW2F. With the expected storm, I thought they might be the only Europeans worked all weekend on 10 ! I did what I could on the 2nd radio on 15, but it was tough with the great rate I had on 10. 15 was wide open to Europe, and again I was afraid it wouldn't be the rest of the weekend. I was really happy to have 42 mults (Z+C) in the log on 10 in the first hour, including goodies like BV2FA, 4F7RWW, YJ0V, 9V1YC, 3W2LWS.

I kept running on 10 during the 2nd hour. The rate slowed down a bit, giving me a little more chance to pick off European multipliers on 15 on the second radio. These were really amazing conditions. I have experienced this "enhanced propagation" phenomena previously - just before the onset of a major geomagnetic storm. ZL, GM, BY, JX, HS, CE all called me on 28012.

I kept going-and-going on 28012 during the 02Z hour. P29VPY called at 0206Z, and I moved him to 15 for my first moved multiplier of the contest. A real bonus was UA0YAY in Zone 23 calling at 0222Z, yet I never did hear Zone 18 on 10 all weekend. During the later part of the hour 15 meter propagation to Europe faded, and I started picking off Asian/Oceanic mults on the 2nd radio - A35RK, B7K, 9M8YY, and finally a JA, JH7PKU at 0247Z. I left 28012 at 0248Z, and started running on 21005. Another great run of JA's (thanks !), along with calls from XV9SW, UA0YAY, BV7FF, EY8MM, HL5UOG, HS0/G4UZN, KH2D. During the 03Z hour I put the 2nd radio to heavy use on 20 meters. I wasn't really working anything exotic on 20, but it was fun to keep the combined 15/20 meter rate up. I left 21005 at 0359Z, when it was apparent that I was working more stations doing S&P on the 2nd radio on 20 than were calling me on the run radio on 15. After 4 hours I had 493 QSO's - it doesn't get any better than this from Colorado !

I started running on 14034 at 0400Z, but had trouble holding that frequency, and after a few minutes of S&P ended up on 14020. 20 was fantastic - I pointed one beam at 345 degrees, and the other beam at 30 degrees and worked the entire northern hemisphere. The rate wasn't as good as 10 and 15 had been, but I had a lot more competition on 20 with every USA station also trying to run (as well as every European, JA, ...). The slower rate did give me a chance to use the 2nd radio on 40, which was okay (but not great) to Europe. It's really tough to effectively use the 2nd radio to work Europeans on the low bands from here. The 2 radio capabilities of TR (and NA) work great when you can 2nd-radio S&P sending your call and exchange only once, but it's a lot tougher to keep yourself synchronized (and not lose your run frequency) when you have to send your call and exchange multiple times to complete a QSO.

I kept up the same routine of running on 20, using the 2nd radio on 40 until 0600Z. I checked 80 a few times during that period, but the Europeans were very weak and not workable. I made my first scan of 160 at 0600Z, but only worked VP5GN, ZF2NT, P40E and HC8N. I heard nothing else. It was now-or-never time for working Europe on 80. Fortunately, 80 was much improved compared to an hour earlier. I spent 30 minutes working 15 Europeans (+ EA9AZ) on 80. Not a good rate, but this could be my only shot at Europe on 80 for the weekend. I was back to 20 at 0644Z, which was still open everywhere.

It was back to 160 at 0707Z, working CN8WW, KH6CC, V26B and VE3DO. CN8WW was the closest I came to hearing Europe on 160 all weekend. Back to 80 after that, picking up a few Carribbean stations, as well as western Europeans F5VEX, EA7GSU, GM0GAV, and MU2K. Back to 20 at 0735Z, where I stayed for the next 2.3 hours. I heavily used the 2nd radio on 40, concentrating on multipliers. Whether to run on 20 or 40 was a tough call. 40 seemed runnable to Europe, which doesn't always happen from here. However, I thought the overall rate would be higher if I stayed running on 20 and used 40 as the S&P band. I also tried moving "unusual" European multipliers that called on 20 to 40. This worked successfully with EA6/DL9GFB at 0813Z and GI4SNC at 0932Z. Other good DX that called on 20 include 3W2LWS, VK8AR, LX1NO, IT9THD, UA0YAY (thanks again !), IS0IGV, 9M2TO. I don't remember how much I checked 80 and 160 during this time period, but it probably wasn't enough - I made 0 QSO's on those bands during 2.3 hours. In fact, overall I missed quite a few easy Carribbean stations on 80 and 160. The only explanation I can come up with is that the single-op and multi-single stations only worked 80 and 160 for multipliers, and spent little (if any) time CQing on those bands.

I moved to 40 at 0957Z to "settle in" for a good JA run. Under normal conditions, with 20 not open, I would have been on 40 before 0800Z. I started out running on 7001, but I see that within 10 minutes I was on 7026. I don't remember the particulars, but there may have been a little competition for 7001 ! Lots of good DX called - UA0ANW (Zone 18 - not always easy from here on 40), HL5BUV, DU1KT, HC2BEV, YB2LSR, P29VPY. I also worked some stations on 80 and 160, the most interesting being NL7Z on 160 and VE2IM on 80. Around 1115Z I was having trouble with a small pileup of eastern USA stations on my 40 meter run frequency. After turning the beam I found a weak and fluttery OX/N6ZZ for a double mult.

For the past 30 minutes I had noticed that the JA stations on 80 were building in strength, and by 1115Z were as loud as they usually are just before sunrise (1359Z). 80 meters is not one of my strengths. My phased verticals have significant interactions with the towers, and don't come close to a good 4-square or K0RF's 3 element yagi. I tried a CQ on 3501 and was rewarded with a nice run of 116 JA's over the next 75 minutes. This was really fun - the band was quiet on my NW beverage, and I was even working QRP JA's. My only disappointment was not working anything other than JA. With such a solid JA opening I expected calls from HL, DU, KH2, VR2, but none of them called. Could the opening have been that narrow, or was I unlucky enough that all those stations were on higher bands ?

12 hours into the contest I had 1138 QSO's, 340 total multipliers for over 1.1M points. So far, it had been a great contest with great propagation - Europe on 10 and 15, 20 open all night, 80 open to EU and JA.

At 1239Z I noticed that 15 seemed open to EU, but not open to the USA east coast. What a pleasure to hear only DX on a band ! A quickly got a small run going, but as quickly as it opened, it died by 1258Z. This entire short opening was odd - 75 minutes before local sunrise. It was back to 40 to run JA for most of the 13Z hour, waiting for more ionization to open the high bands. I opened up on 21051 at 1355Z (4 minutes before sunrise), but only stayed there 16 minutes before going to 10 meters at 1411Z. 10 was hot to Europe, and the much-feared geomagnetic storm was minutes, or, at most, hours away. Somehow I landed on 28002 and I was off to the races. The rate wasn't great by east coast standards, but for my operating, my station and Colorado it was about as good as it ever gets to Europe. Having a coveted frequency, low in the band, meant there were no opportunities for using the 2nd radio. It was hard to justify moving any European to 15 at this point in the contest - I would probably work them anyway. A few good mults called in - 9H3MM, P3A, Z33Z, T94MZ, SV0LK. Around 1600Z I noticed that I could run on 10 meters using the KT34XA stack, and listen on the other radio on 10 meters on the 6 element OWA yagi. So....I could do same-band 2nd radio S&P. This worked out great - I could find big guns and rare mults who weren't likely to call me, such as VE2IM, OX/N6ZZ, GJ2A, EI6BT, CN8WW, EA9LZ.

Around 1700Z, 10 meters started getting thin. All of EU was in darkness, and the only propagation left was for G, F, EA and part of DL. Too bad I hadn't discovered the same-band 2 radio capability earlier in the opening. I moved to 15 at 1716Z but it was unrunnable. I was encountering the high-sunspot Colorado curse of high absorption. I tried running, but with so few stations worked on 15 up to this point, the rate was higher doing S&P.

The first episode of "lights-out" occurred at 1840Z. If you check the SESC web site, you will see we had an X1 flare at that time. You east coast guys didn't even notice, but those of us out west sure did ! There were no QSO's made from 1840Z until 1902Z, and between 1902Z and 1927Z every QSO was a struggle.

Let me digress on the subject of flares and geomagnetic storms. Contrary to popular opinion, what happened at 1840Z (and at 1645Z on Sunday) was not a geomagnetic storm. They were solar flares. Large solar flares emit large quantities of X-ray radiation which reaches the earth in 8 minutes. This X-ray radiation causes near-total absorption in the ionosphere. Once the flare ends and the X-ray radiation stops, the ionosphere quickly recovers. Only the daylight hemispheres are affected by the X-ray radiation from a flare. On the other hand, a geomagnetic storm is caused by large quantities of particles ejected from the sun (the "coronal mass ejection") which get trapped in the solar wind, which interacts with the earth's geomagnetic field, causing a geomagnetic storm. The speed of the solar wind causes the particles to arrive 2 or 3 days after they leave the sun. Large solar flares do cause coronal mass ejections, which cause geomagnetic storms 2 or 3 days later, but that's not what happened during the contest.

My theory on why east coast stations were unaffected by Saturday's flare is that the refraction region in the ionosphere for their signals to Europe was over darkness - thus it was unaffected by the X-rays. Those of us out west had another hop to get to Europe - and that additional hop was in daylight.

By the time the ionosphere recovered around 1930Z, there was no propagation to Europe on 10 or 15. 20 meters was too absorptive to work anything but the big guns, many of whom were worked during the nighttime opening on 20. All I could do for the next 2 hours was S&P on 10 and 15, bring up the multiplier count, and work a few big stations on 20. It wasn't a terribly boring time period - there were lots of Carribbean and South American stations. However, a lot of the "sprint" momentum of the first 18 hours was gone. It was the first time in the contest that there was no band to be run. I few goodies worked during this time period include D4A, HK0ER, FR5FD (double mult) and ZS6DX (another double mult) on 15, FO5PI and JW5E on 10, and HS0AC on 20 (2016Z).

It was off to the Asian races at 2131Z with a JA run on 15. I found VU2WAP on 20 on the 2nd radio at 2210Z for a great double mult. Around this time K0KR stopped by the QTH to see how I was doing. Bob often does this, and rather than being a distraction, his enthusiasm boosts my energy level. I stayed on 15 longer than I might normally do, figuring that I had already worked 350 JA's on 10 meters during the first 3 hours of the contest. It also gave me an good opportunity to use the 2nd radio on 10 to find mults I missed the night before, working A35RK and AH2R.

I spent a few minutes doing S&P on 40 around sunset (2345Z). This is often a good time for Europe and it did result in a few mults - OM7M, OZ1LO, EW5O, MU2K.

At the end of 24 hours I had 2108 QSO's and 480 total mults for 2.9M points. Still no sign of a real geomagnetic storm. Breaking the W0 record looked easy !

I went to 10 meters at 0032Z. The band was definitely down from last night, but VK8HA called at 0045Z for Zone 29. It was back to 15 at 0048Z. It only took 2 minutes for another Zone 29 to call - VK6HD for a double mult. I stayed on 15 until 0248Z with new mults 9M2JI, 9V1DX, JT1CS calling. 10 was still somewhat open, working JT1BV at 0109Z and VR2BG at 0122Z on the 2nd radio. When I moved VK4UW from 15 to 20 for the Zone 30 multipler at 0248Z, I decided that 15 was gone for the night.

I went straight to 40 at 0252Z, with the band full of fluttery Europeans. Not quite a geomagnetic storm, but not what I wanted to hear, either. Spent about 45 minutes doing S&P, picking up new mults OH0R, SV/OK1YM (double mult), YL8M, UN2O (double mult), ZB2X.

I settled in on 14025 at 0332Z, staying on 20 until 0611Z. The rate wasn't spectacular, but at least I was running somewhere, and it gave me a good opportunity to use the 2nd radio on 40, 80 and 160. Just like last night, 80 and 160 were mostly devoid of new stations to work. On 80 worked PJ5N at 0345Z, CN8WW at 0350Z and VP5MM at 0358Z. Not sure why it took me so long to find CN8WW on 80 with their great signal. Yet another QSO with Paul, P29VPY - this time on 20 at 0359Z for a good mult. Finally got around to working Zones 5 and 3 on 160 at 0411Z - thanks to W3LPL and KH6DX/M. During an S&P scan of 20 found EY8MM, and UK7UC and Z30M called me - all new mults. Even OZ1LO was a new mult on 20 at 0506Z. Repeated scans of 160 found only VE's and an XE (double mult). I worked a few EU doing S&P on 40 between 0615Z and 0638Z, but both the band and my body seemed fatigued.

I have never attempted a full 48 hours without a break before, and conditions didn't seem to warrant an attempt at that this time. I was at 2536/545 for 3.97M at 0630Z. The W0 record was 4.0M. I had the record, was very tired, and the bands weren't hot. Time to take off 3 hours for sleep ! I fell asleep instantly and felt refreshed once I was fully conscious.

I was back on 40 running JA at 0958Z. The band was good, and thanks to hot conditions last night on 20 and 80, there were many new stations to be worked. I had another opportunity to S&P on the same band as I was running - my NW and SW beverages are so far from my transmit antenna that I can listen on 40 on one radio and transmit on 40 on the other radio. There is some RX overload, but it was great for finding YV6AZC, T88JA, YJ0V. I kept checking 80 and 160, hoping some of the Carribbean stations would go there just before their sunrise, but it was pretty quiet, working only VP2EST on 80. VK8HA called on 40 at 1202Z for a great double mult, and I found VK4XY on 80 at 1209Z for another double mult. 40 got notably livelier around 1300Z, with 9M2AX, VK3TZ and VR2MY all calling me for new mults. Around 1330Z 15 was opening, but my 80 meter mult count still seemed low - perhaps sunrise would yield some excitement. I found DU3NXE on 80 at 1341Z for a double mult, then went quickly to 15. I had a lot of ground to make up on 15 - Remember, yesterday I spent only 16 minutes running EU before going to 10, and when 10 died, 15 was not runnable to Europe. So, my strategy today was to stay on 15 as long as it was productive, and not run to 10 so soon. 15 got off to a slow start, so I looked on 40 for some long path goodies. A61AJ has a great signal at 1354Z for a double mult. A few minutes later, while running on 15, it struck me that I really ought to check 80 at sunrise for OH or other long path mults. I quickly found A61AJ for the "QSO of the contest", and beat a hasty retreat to 15. After seeing some of the other writeups, I probably should have spent a few more minutes on 80. However, hearing 15 wide open to Europe is just too much of a lure.

I stayed on 15 until 1523Z, when it became too absorptive. During the 90 minutes I was running on 15 I made many 2nd radio QSO's on 10. Neither band was open very deep, with only a handful of QSO's on 15 to Zone 16 (but strangely, I did work one Zone 17 and one Zone 18 QSO on 15). New mults were ES9C, Z32AM and HB2LCW on 15 and OH0V on 10. I opened up on 28001 at 1525Z, but was quickly chased away after 11 QSO's in 6 minutes. I didn't want to waste time finding a run frequency, so I went right to 28158 ! It was a good run, with OZ6PI and ER0ND being new mults. Today, I found that the 6 element OWA at 45' was much better than the stacked KT34XA's - On some stations as much as 2 S-units. I had never seen this much of an advantage for the low antenna before. I kept the 2nd radio searching 15, but most of the activity was on 10, and there were few new stations and mults to be found.

At 1645Z it was another "lights out", this time an X4 flare. The east coast felt this one, too. The next QSO was at 1719Z, doing S&P on 10. 10 was poor to Europe, and 15 wasn't much better. It seemed that the bands never quite recovered after that flare - absorption on 10 and 15 were about 20 dB more than one would expect. I found a number of new mults doing S&P on 10 and 15, but the European runs were over - for the rest of the contest. It was during this time period that I started seriously thinking about stacked 15 meter monobanders !

So here it was, around 1730Z, with at least another 4 hours of S&P until the possibility of a JA run. With 42 hours of fatigue behind me, my mind was really playing tricks. Looking at my rate sheet, clearly I was in trouble during this period, with rates of 26, 16 and 14 in the 19Z, 20Z and 21Z hours. I did work a bunch of mults during this time, the best being XE2/K7ZS at 1920Z and 3DA0NL at 2111Z both on 15. Last year, during CQWW Phone, this was a good time to run Europe on 20. Not this contest ! Just too much absorption on 20 during the daytime.

Finally got in the groove again when 10 opened to JA at 2202Z. Some people talk about the "Monday morning effect" when JA's are going back to work, and QSO's are scarce. I have never experienced this. There have been some contests where I have has 100+ hours to JA the last hour of the contest. The last two hours were pretty routine - I had a clear run frequency on 10 which made it easy to use the 2nd radio to S&P on the other bands. I was particularly anxious about 20 meters where I was still missing some easy multipliers. Found D4A, FY5KE, NP4Z, HP1AC and 6Y7A on 20 and PJ5N and R1ANF on 15. With 15 minutes left, I was frantically searching 20 and 40 for new mults, but didn't find any. 9M2AX called on 10 at 2353Z for my last mult. Thanks, Ross !

Summary Sheet, Totals, and Rates

    Callsign Used : N2IC
             Mode : CW
         Category : Single-Op All Band High Power
        Operators : N2IC
     Station Used : N2IC/0
             Zone : 4
              QTH : Colorado

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones
  160CW       18          18         40        12        10
   80CW      162         162        451        36        18
   40CW      520         511       1483        85        31
   20CW      624         616       1788        96        33
   15CW      833         826       2380       112        35
   10CW     1101        1079       3089       115        32

 Totals     3258        3212       9231       456       159

Total Score : 5,677,065

Continent List

            160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
            ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---

USA calls     1     6     5     6    15    27     60
VE calls      4     8    14    21    23    32    102
N.A. calls    7     9    21    21    30    35    123
S.A. calls    2     5    11    18    36    49    121
Euro calls    0    19   101   351   297   519   1287
Afrc calls    1     2     6    10    14     9     42
Asia calls    0     4    21    69    42    26    162
JA calls      0   104   315   109   344   350   1222
Ocen calls    3     5    17    11    25    32     93

Unknowns      0     0     0     0     0     0      0

Total calls  18   162   511   616   826  1079   3212

HR  160   80     40     20     15     10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE

 0  ---   ---    ---    ---    5/9  136/42  141/51   141/51   0.02M
 1  ---   ---    ---    ---   16/18 103/8   119/26   260/77   0.06M
 2  ---   ---    ---    ---   39/21  81/3   120/24   380/101  0.11M
 3  ---   ---    ---   27/22  86/12   ---   113/34   493/135  0.19M
 4  ---   ---   12/15  85/20   1/2    ---    98/37   591/172  0.29M
 5  ---   1/2   23/15  60/10   ---    ---    84/27   675/199  0.38M
 6  4/7  16/15   1/0   34/9    ---    ---    55/31   730/230  0.48M
 7  4/7  12/14   6/7   45/3    ---    ---    67/31   797/261  0.60M
 8  ---   ---   11/13  83/12   ---    ---    94/25   891/286  0.73M
 9  ---   ---   14/13  71/9    ---    ---    85/22   976/308  0.87M
10  1/2   5/8   80/11   ---    ---    ---    86/21  1062/329  1.01M
11  ---  58/5   18/6    ---    ---    ---    76/11  1138/340  1.11M
12  ---  58/0    5/5    ---   32/10   ---    95/15  1233/355  1.26M
13  ---   1/0   69/0    ---   17/1    1/1    88/2   1321/357  1.36M
14  ---   ---    ---    ---   17/2   99/20  116/22  1437/379  1.57M
15  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---  136/11  136/11  1573/390  1.77M
16  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---  127/5   127/5   1700/395  1.93M
17  ---   ---    ---    ---   60/13  18/3    78/16  1778/411  2.11M
18  ---   ---    ---    ---   28/7    5/1    33/8   1811/419  2.19M
19  ---   ---    ---    ---    7/3   33/22   40/25  1851/444  2.36M
20  ---   ---    ---   10/2   15/9   11/5    36/16  1887/460  2.49M
21  ---   ---    ---    2/1   68/4    2/1    72/6   1959/466  2.62M
22  ---   ---    ---    4/3   71/4   11/2    86/9   2045/475  2.78M
23  ---   ---   18/2    1/1   35/2    9/0    63/5   2108/480  2.90M
 0  ---   ---    9/4    6/5   26/2   22/1    63/12  2171/492  3.06M
 1  ---   ---    ---   11/7   82/4    4/2    97/13  2268/505  3.29M
 2  ---   ---    6/0    6/6   53/0    ---    65/6   2333/511  3.42M
 3  ---   3/3   21/9   38/4    ---    ---    62/16  2395/527  3.62M
 4  2/3   2/0    ---   45/4    ---    ---    49/7   2444/534  3.75M
 5  4/3   ---    3/2   63/5    ---    ---    70/10  2514/544  3.93M
 6  ---   ---   10/1   12/0    ---    ---    22/1   2536/545  3.97M
 7  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---    ---     ---   2536/545  3.97M
 8  ---   ---    ---    ---    ---    ---     ---   2536/545  3.97M
 9  ---   ---    1/0    ---    ---    ---     1/0   2537/545  3.97M
10  3/0   2/1   36/3    ---    ---    ---    41/4   2578/549  4.06M
11  ---   ---   64/3    ---    ---    ---    64/3   2642/552  4.18M
12  ---   1/2   65/3    ---    ---    ---    66/5   2708/557  4.33M
13  ---   3/4   39/4    ---   14/0    ---    56/8   2764/565  4.49M
14  ---   ---    ---    ---   62/2   16/0    78/2   2842/567  4.64M
15  ---   ---    ---    ---   23/1   60/2    83/3   2925/570  4.80M
16  ---   ---    ---    ---    9/2   45/2    54/4   2979/574  4.92M
17  ---   ---    ---    ---   24/3    4/1    28/4   3007/578  5.01M
18  ---   ---    ---    ---    4/1   29/8    33/9   3040/587  5.14M
19  ---   ---    ---    ---   11/6   15/4    26/10  3066/597  5.27M
20  ---   ---    ---    3/1    9/4    4/1    16/6   3082/603  5.35M
21  ---   ---    ---    ---    6/3    8/0    14/3   3096/606  5.40M
22  ---   ---    ---    6/4    ---   43/0    49/4   3145/610  5.52M
23  ---   ---    ---    4/1    6/2   57/2    67/5   3212/615  5.68M
D1   9/16 151/44   257/87   422/92   497/117  772/124      2108/480
D2   9/6   11/10   254/29   194/37   329/30   307/23       1104/135
TO  18/22 162/54   511/116  616/129  826/147 1079/147      3212/615
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