On this page are scans of all the QSL cards that I have used so far. Only the fronts are shown, to prevent QSL fraud. I usually QSL 100% for the first QSO with a new station, either direct or via the bureau, but because QSLing takes such a lot of time, I generally only get around to it once or twice a year. If you've sent me a request, you'll get a card - just don't hold your breath until it arrives !
My first QSL card, with coat of arms designed by my father. No QTH is shown as I was moving around quite a bit at that time.
Special Event QSL for the Queen's Silver Jubilee. The 'GE' prefix was much sought-after, and generated a lot of pileups.
This card proved very popular, maybe due to its colourful nature, or maybe because people like flags. Printed using a photo-litho process, with two plates, which could be re-used.
A special event card, for the 1979 JOTA. We used a variety of simple equipment, contacted many other scout-groups, and a great time was had by all.
Designed and printed by my QSL manager, K0JW, this card was used by a variety of Hams on the South Orkney Islands, including myself, VP8AQU.
This card was designed by GW3COI, who's cartoons in Short Wave Magazine I had always admired.
Designed by myself on the PC, using clip-art and fonts downloaded from the Internet.