APRS: Automatic Position Reporting System

The APRS system, developed by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, uses small packets sent over channels on the VHF and HF bands to transmit position reports, weather reports, and other kinds of data. It can be used for every-day positional reports, but also plays a big part in Public Service and Emergency communications. It can cope with thousands of users, all operating on the same frequency. APRS works without the internet if need be, but by integrating with it, can bring many extra facets to this fascinating communications mode.
There are many sites on the internet that explain the background to APRS, and what you need to get started, so I am not going to bother repeating this information. Instead, my APRS section contains a number of maps and other useful resources for the APRS operator, and some live APRS maps showing the current APRS activity in ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!
I spend a lot of time creating maps and other resources for the Ham-community, all of it unpaid. If you enjoy using my maps, and would like to make a donation towards this site, please click the button below. Your donation is most welcome, and will go towards my site costs, and hardware/software upgrades.