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Process the Spectra Dataset
Once the Spectra Dataset has been downloaded, it will need to be processed. Processing the dataset is quite a complicated matter involving a number of related database tables, and thus will take quite a few minutes, dependant on the speed of your computer, but you will only need to process the dataset once, whenever you download a new version. After the dataset has been processed that one time, it is available straight away whenever the programme starts up, just like any other callbook.
As with any other dataset or printed list, the Spectra tables will invariably have a small number of address errors and misspellings: these can be easily spotted and corrected, with probable corrections suggested automatically. The 'Browse Tables > Browse Non-Geocoded Results' page is the page that suggests what the correct values should be, and lets you update them and add the corrections to the master-list. Some corrections have already been done for you.