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Export Table to CSV File

If you would like to copy the entire table currently showing in the 'Tables' tab, in its current order, for use in an external program, click 'Export > Export Table to CSV File', and save the file at a desired location on your computer. The table will be saved as a Comma-Separated Values file, which can be opened in a programme that specialises in such files, such as the excellent CSVed (Link will open in your Browser) or Excel. It can also be opened in your familiar Text Editor programme, such as Notepad. A CSV file is, after all, just a way of separating the individual items of data on a line with a chosen character: this is often a comma, as the name suggests, though I prefer and therefore use the Pipe-character '|' as my standard separator, as there is less chance that this will be used already in a standard text file. When opening the file in your handling-programme, be sure to specify '|' as the file's separator. Note that the first line of the file will contain the column header-names.