
Online Map


The Online Map is very versatile control, with some useful properties. You can choose the Map Provider from one of a number of possibilities. Not all of them will work all of the time (this is outside of my control, as it relies on external map-providers who can change their policy at short notice), but there should always be a good selection of those that do. I prefer Bing, as the refresh rate and tile-update time is one of the quickest. Select which one you want via 'Help > Options> Online Map'. The Map-Fill and Map-Highlight transparency settings, on the same Options page, refer to when a polygon is plotted on top of the Online Map, so you can choose how transparent that color is, and how much of the map you want to see underneath the colored polygon. Note that '0' is fully transparent, and '255' is fully opaque. You can select the colors used for a single County or State/Section on this Options-page as well, but the colors used to fill other areas are changed on the 'Vector Map' Options-page.