
Export Main Log to ADIF Format


If we are using a log as a method of storing select QSOs, it is useful to be able to export it, and make room for other logs that you wish to examine. The County-Hunting Mapper will also identify a worked county from the contest exchange, and save the county name and state in their own columns, that can be exported for other purposes. Although the log can be exported as a CSV file, many people prefer to export in an Amateur Radio log format, for use in other programs. The most suitable log format is ADIF, as it has individual tags that separate all aspects of the QSO into their own regions. The County-Hunting Mapper can export either log as an ADIF file. To do this, click 'Export > Export Main Log to ADIF Format' on the upper Menu-Bar. After a short processing period, a window will appear that lets you navigate to the destination-folder for the ADIF file. Enter a suitable filename in the 'Filename' box, and choose a suitable file-suffix with the 'Save as type' control. If in doubt, leave at the default '.adi' setting. After saving, you are given the option to open the saved file. This will use whatever program you have set as the default handler for that file-type. If you don't have a program designed to open ADIF files, I would suggest a simple text-editor program that doesn't try and reformat anything.